Coronavirus hysteria has led to a nationwide panic of face masks on the streets. As the virus continues to infect people globally, news articles and social media continue to spread online, fuelling a ferocious fire. 

Unfortunately, the relentless flood of information causes a lot of confusion, making it difficult to separate fact from fiction. In fact, the hysteria is more dangerous than the virus itself! 

Many people are taking drastic measures and sporting surgical masks. However, these are largely ineffective as they do not fit flush to the face, and are not designed to block out viral particles. Viruses are microscopic parasites, much smaller than bacteria and lack the capacity to thrive and reproduce outside of a host body. 

Viruses are all around us and every day we each breathe in over 100,000,000! Most of these are harmless, but some can make us sick and it’s the immune system’s job to keep us safe. Panicking won’t do anything for our defences and worse still will leave you more susceptible to foreign invaders. 

So what can you do if you're worried about colds, flu and viral infections? The short answer is plenty...

We cannot completely avoid bugs but we can certainly support our immune system to become an impenetrable fortress of defence. And part of this process requires adopting a calm sense of control over the situation.

We’re here to provide you with the tools needed to transcend this fever pitch and protect yourself via scientifically validated measures. Here at Wellgevity, we’ve put together scientifically proven strategies including supplements to effectively boost your immunity and safeguard your health in the long term. These strategies include nutraceuticals that work, nutritional strategies and lifestyle advice. 

How Does Our Immune System Fight Viruses?

Our immune system consists of a network of cells, organs, proteins and antibodies that work to protect us against bacteria, viruses and parasites. It’s not just something that kicks in when we feel unwell but a mechanism constantly on patrol. There are two main parts: the innate response and the acquired response.

The innate response works out what is friend and what is foe, then tries to flush out the invader – it’s this which creates symptoms such as fevers, runny nose and headaches. The acquired response remembers specific invaders and sends the correct cells to kill them off.

How Does Age Affect Your Immune System?

It’s important to acknowledge that our immune system gets weaker as we age. The number of T cells do not actually decrease with age (T cells are like soldiers who search out and destroy the targeted invaders), but T-cell function does. 

This subsequently causes parts of the immune system to weaken - increasing the risk of becoming ill. Similarly, an infant's immune system doesn't mature until around 2 to 3 months. 

And as such, the elderly, infant and already immunocompromised population are most at risk or colds, flu and viruses. 

But with the recent spread of coronavirus to the UK, it’s never been more important to keep our immune system in tip-top condition. And feel rest assured, there are several effective strategies to boost your immune system and prevent infection and disease.

What About Supplements to Strengthen Our Immune System?

It’s no surprise eating a nutrient-dense diet, prioritising deep and restful sleep alongside basic hygiene, all support your body’s ability to fight off infections. But what about supplements as an effective way to boost your body’s defence mechanism?

Commonly, people reach for the Berocca tablets in an attempt to keep those bugs away. However, not all supplements are created equal and it turns out quality, dosing and timing absolutely matter. 

Our high potency, medical-grade, Immune System Support Package has been designed to strengthen and support your immune system. Packed with a plethora of powerful herbs, botanicals, vitamins, minerals and powerful probiotics; our Immune System Support Package provides a high defence wall.

Our tried and tested, hand-selected protocol is carefully designed by our Dr and Nutritionist team, so you can rest assured all products are combined with perfect synergy to allow maximum absorption and efficacy for a stronger immune system and a healthier you.

Immune System Supplements That Work

Vitamin C in a Bioavailable Form 

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant and contributes to immune defence by supporting various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system. Inadequate vitamin c results in impaired immunity and higher susceptibility to a host of infections. We opt for a potent liposomal biologically-active formula to promote overall wellness and support a robust immune response.

Buy yours here.

Zinc - the mighty Immunity Mineral

Zinc is a mineral crucial to a plethora of bodily functions and is known as the gatekeeper to the immune system. Zinc is required for normal development and function of cells mediating innate immunity, neutrophils, and killer cells. Inadequate levels of zinc adversely affect the growth and function of T and B cells, and as such, it has become a popular treatment for the common cold and other bugs. We use Zinc Supreme; the most bioavailable zinc combined with other nutrients like vitamins B6 and taurine to provide superior results.

Buy yours here.

Botanical herbs, Mushrooms and other natural compounds - Immunoberry 

Research suggests certain herbs, mushrooms and other natural compounds have the ability to support normal immune functions such as natural killer (NK) cell activity, cytokine synthesis, and the T-cell and B-cell mediated responses. Ingredients such as elderberry, shiitake and wild cherry bark are known for their beneficial effects for maintaining a healthy immune system. 

Buy yours here.

Echinacea or purple coneflower, is renowned and widely studied for its ability to promote a healthy immune system response. Also, Elderberry has a long history of medicinal use and is an excellent general immune system booster. The berries contain chemical compounds called anthocyanidins, which are known to have immunostimulant effects. Similarly, Beta Glucan is the most studied natural immunomodulator on earth, so this is naturally contained for a therapeutic dose aimed at enhancing immune defences. 

Furthermore, medicinal mushrooms are a powerful secret in treating and preventing colds, flu and viruses. Medicinal mushrooms are turbo shots for your immune system and  Shiitake, Maitake, Cordyceps, and Reishi Mushrooms have all been shown to support a healthy immune response!

What if there were ONE product that contained all of the above? Like no other complex on the market and specifically designed to boost immunity, Immunoberry is a powerful and synergistic blend of fifteen herbs and botanicals. The liquid is sweetened with glycerine, tastes great, and is ideal for both children and adults and suitable for long term use and safe to take all winter long.  

Probiotic Therapy

No immunity-boosting protocol would be complete without a clinical-grade probiotic for a therapeutic dose of friendly bacteria. Probiotics regulate host innate and adaptive immune responses by modulating the functions of dendritic cells, macrophages, and T and B lymphocytes.

Multiple research studies have shown the power of probiotics in strengthening the body’s immune system and warding off infection, not just in the intestines but body-wide. latest research published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport found that New Zealand athletes had about 40% fewer colds and gastrointestinal infections when they took a probiotic compared to when they took a placebo.

Here at Wellgevity, we love Symprove probiotic, strengthen your immune system - get yours here.

Complementary Nutrition and Lifestyle Tips to Bolster Your Immune System

Alongside our powerful supplement protocol, turbocharge your immune system with these simple, yet powerful strategies:

  • Prioritise deep and restorative sleep, consistently.  A good night’s sleep ( 7-9 hours) can boost T cells, which fight infection in the body. One study also showed that just one night of 4 hours’ sleep depleted the body’s natural killer cells by 70%. For more tips on optimising sleep, check out Wellgevity’s sleep blog.

  • Manage that stress. The brain and the immune system are in constant communication – when we are chronically stressed, we produce more cortisol which prepares the body for emergency situations. Long term and unmanaged stress then results  in immune system depression. Try relaxation exercises like yoga or meditation. Positive thinking can also go a long way too. Meditating, playing, forest bathing, talking to a friend, cultivating relationships, breathwork, finding your fun all go a long way in supporting your resilience to life’s stressors! 

  • Exercising outside regardless of the weather, is beneficial. There’s compelling evidence physical activity helps the body to flush bacteria out of the lungs and airways, causing changes in antibodies and white blood cells (WBC). This reduces your chance of getting a cold, flu, or other illness.

  • Eat a wholefood, anti-inflammatory diet. Think fresh, nutrient-dense foods to cover your micronutrient needs. Also, increase your intake of immunity-boosting foods - ginger, garlic, shellfish, fermented foods, sweet potatoes, beetroot, leafy greens and mushrooms. Eat the rainbow!

  • Optimise Vitamin A, the anti-inflammation vitamin, because of its critical role in enhancing immune function. Vitamin A-rich-foods include cod liver oil, liver, eggs, sweet potatoes, carrots, sweet peppers, melon, mango, dried apricots, broccoli, and leafy greens.

  • Restore Glutathione levels - your body’s master antioxidant which is required to fine-tune the innate immune response to infection. Foods that naturally contain glutathione include asparagus, avocado, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, spinach, broccoli, garlic, chives, tomatoes, cucumber, almonds, and walnuts.

There you have it. Our powerful and effective supplement protocol to keep your immune system in top top condition and a plethora of nutritional and lifestyle strategies to provide a bulletproof defence against colds, flu and viruses. 

Sarah Jeffs

Brightfeather Studio creates beautiful and marvelously functional websites.

My mission is to create Squarespace websites that not only look good and increase engagement/sales, but work for the client to reduce admin time, create an amazing user experience and reduce traditional future on-costs so that they can focus on what they do best.

As a Squarespace Authorised Trainer I also provide training so that they become self-sufficient and empowered. Many of my clients are women and working mothers who are already multi-tasking beyond belief and every minute saved is beneficial.

“I’m dedicated to focusing on businesses and individuals whose goal is to have a positive impact. Helping those who are helping others satisfies my desire to put more positive energy into the world as well as giving me the potential to grow and begin to offer people jobs myself”


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