Wellgevity Calm Supplement Bundle

A supplement bundle to help support balance and calm in an overtaxed system.

We all need a little calm amongst the chaos and Wellgevity Zen offers a thorough foundation of nutritional support to reduce the effects of everyday stress whilst building resilience. 

Wellgevity  Zen starts with replenishing those nutrients you may be lacking or rapidly depleting by improving energy levels and diminishing stress. Our tried and tested Zen potion has been formulated with a variety of vitamins and minerals which become easily depleted when we are under stress. The addition of adaptogenic and adrenal tonic herbs provide relaxing nutrients designed to support adaptation to stress and optimise adrenal gland health, with a specific focus on both cortisol and catecholamine balance. Elevated catecholamines often affect serum blood glucose and insulin levels, and development of metabolic syndrome, similar to the role of elevated cortisol. Therefore, focusing on the often under appreciated issue of catecholamine optimization becomes especially important.

Our three-part Zen formula also includes a day time zen formula, a pre-dinner stress reliever and a potent form of magnesium. 

Designs For Health Stress Arrest

Nature's Valium, for demanding days when you can’t switch off.. StressArrest is a uniquely formulated product which provides GABA, a key neurotransmitter in the body involved in a normal, calm stress response. In addition, it supplies other calming nutrients including glycine, niacinamide, pantothenic acid and vitamin B6.

Designs For Health Catecholacalm

Adaptogenic herbs and nutrients that may help mood and promote calmness and relaxation. This unique formulation addresses adrenal gland health to help people handle stress more effectively.

Viridian High Potency Magnesium

Our favourite high potency magnesium and the number one choice for stress-busting. Research has found that magnesium may help with brain functions that reduce stress and anxiety. 

Included Products:

D4H Catecholacalm 90 capsules* - 62.95

D4H Stress arrest  90 capsules -  33.99

Viridian High potency Magnesium 120 capsules* - 19.95

Sarah Jeffs

Brightfeather Studio creates beautiful and marvelously functional websites.

My mission is to create Squarespace websites that not only look good and increase engagement/sales, but work for the client to reduce admin time, create an amazing user experience and reduce traditional future on-costs so that they can focus on what they do best.

As a Squarespace Authorised Trainer I also provide training so that they become self-sufficient and empowered. Many of my clients are women and working mothers who are already multi-tasking beyond belief and every minute saved is beneficial.

“I’m dedicated to focusing on businesses and individuals whose goal is to have a positive impact. Helping those who are helping others satisfies my desire to put more positive energy into the world as well as giving me the potential to grow and begin to offer people jobs myself”


Wellgevity Perform Supplement Bundle


Wellgevity Sleep Supplement Bundle